Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, is a rapidly growing city in Southern Africa, witnessing the constant emergence of new buildings, shopping malls, and chain stores. Accommodation options are diverse and can be found throughout the metropolis. The city centre is lively during the day with roadside stalls and transforms into a vibrant scene at night, offering a wide range of restaurants, nightclubs, and bars. Alternatively, visitors can opt for country lodges located on the outskirts of the city.
Central Lusaka provides a range of accommodation choices, including budget, mid-range, and high-end options, with the selection continually expanding as the city grows. Five-star hotels cater to discerning travellers seeking luxury, while mid-range options range from conveniently located hotels to sophisticated guesthouses. Budget accommodations vary in price and quality, with many visitors favouring the increasing number of smaller guesthouses scattered throughout the city.